Monday, May 19, 2014

Visualization Using the Subconscious Mind

The Subconscious Mind
In chapter 12, The Subconscious Mind, Mr. Hill calls the subconscious mind the connecting link.

Back when I first started doing a mental cleanse, I would read the subtitle of this chapter and wonder what he meant by the subconscious mind being the connecting link.

The subconscious mind is our connecting link to success, of course! That is if and only if we develop a mindset to succeed! "

You get what you ask for" is a very common statement. I remember this expression way back as a child. What you give and put out to the universe indeed does return.

This morning I was inspired to read Michael Dlouhy's story about winning the BMW and the contest for his friends who had an emergency, so Michael won the prize for this couple on the same day he won the BMW! I must have read this story dozens of times where Michael proves to us the power of the mind and thought energy. It is such an amazing, vivid story comes to life that if you have not read it, you must read it as it will inspire your thinking! You can read of Michael's BMW story and feel it come to life.

Mr. Hill reminds us that we can voluntarily hand over our desired "thought impulses" and plant a fruitful garden in our mind, giving it to the universe to manifest success, to materialize in whatever form we wish, be it monetary or in some other form. And he tells us the importance of staying in the positive emotions because our emotions trigger our expectations and the universe gives to us what our thought impulses believe to be true.

Visualization of our success adding hope, faith and the utmost belief to this vision is vital. Visualizing details before we manifest them brings our vision, our dream to life.

Michael often asks us, "If you knew you could not fail, how differently would you live your life?" When we hold the key to success, we know we will succeed.

Today I know thoughts are things. What I think about the most dominates my mind and as I meditate by visualizing what I expect in my life, I take action.

So how do we keep fueling our success mindset? Self talk begins this process for us, though it does not end there.

We have to become aware of what our mind does to protect our precious thoughts of success from backsliding. Outside influences, the negative emotions that slip in to sabotage your positive energy, trying to rob you of your joy, your good energy, and fears are lurking in the vicinity, so beware and mindful at all times what your thoughts are and the direction they are heading. Only you can do that.

When you hold the key to success, hold it tight and be on guard always for the thief in the night is lurking. Protect it for dear life for your precious life of a "Life Designed by You" is in your hands.

Much love and appreciation,

Marsha Sortino

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

What Is the Mystery of Sex Transmutation?

Could I Be the Mystery?
I have always loved this chapter, The Mystery of Sex Transmutation in Napoleon Hill's book, Think and Grow Rich as it expresses our deepest desires and who we really are! A deep soul journey! 

As I see it I am a mystery to myself and I am the revelation to myself. I must come out of hiding and become who I am. 

Rising above the ordinary self, I am to use my creative powers of imagination and my sixth sense. Only then can I become a genius vibrating at the level of complete awareness to my talents and strengths, some I never knew I had until Mentoring For Free brought them out for me. 

Sexual expression is innate in every one of us and it shouts to be released! We have brilliance screaming to come out! 

We are a part of the mystery of creation and the grand scheme in life. We have purpose and meaning. We were designed to think, to be intelligent beings and to make an impact on this world. 

Our creator has given us all the tools we need to design our life. And with all this freedom granted comes responsibility. 

Cooperation in our words and our deeds is all we need to provide in using the tools. And words are only words. They stay words till we act on these words. That is the responsibility we are to take. 

The God who revealed himself as "I Am Who Am" is telling us who He is here in this statement! 

We are to be that person, the “I am” within us is to come forth. 

I am the transmutation of energy through my thoughts, my words and my deeds. I can be the bringer of hope, the messenger of love, or I can be the bringer of doom, the messenger of apathy. I can be unstoppable! In fact, I am unstoppable! 

So, it isn't a mystery at all! The only is mystery is in how we discover who we are through this process of change. 

The questions are will I cooperate, will I take action, and will I become that person people are attracted to in joining me into my business? Mentoring for Free has helped me to discover the powerful being I had inside me all along. And I would not have discovered how creative my imagination could be if I had not dug into the treasure chest of training we have! Digging into that treasure chest, getting on the calls and learning with all the brilliant mentors here has been the elixir to an actively seeking imagination and sixth sense at work for me! 

I am a professional network marketer with a direction, a plan to get where I want and with the passion, drive and desire to build my business. I celebrate life with all the mysteries surrounding it! The sheer joy is in discovering and the “aha” moments I express as I discover that I am that mystery who fills in the blank. And I am looking forward to a zillion "aha" moments to come! 

I am whatever I transmute with my energy and emotions. And I am at my very best energy when I am “in love” and romancing life and my business. 

Much love and appreciation, 

P.S. Let Your Brilliance Shine!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Is There Real Power In a Mastermind Group?

Master Minding Answers Your Questions

Remember the expression, "Two heads are better than one"?
The expression is generally meant to mean two people have an easier time solving problems than one person trying to solve it alone. 

Imagine the power of many minds and what they bring to the table. Through our friendly alliance here on the mental cleanse, we become more powerful as we absorb knowledge, experience, problem solving and heightened energy! 

We come together with a "chief aim purpose" that we all share "in the spirit of harmony and cooperation" to attain our desires! At Mentoring For Free, we often hear the expression, enjoy the journey. I know I myself have expressed this many times over the course of my lessons. Tuula Rands brought up a very good point in here when she asks, "Do we really appreciate what we have here at Mentoring For Free?" Yes, I certainly do! I’d like to add to her question and ask, Do we trust the process that we go through on the mental cleanse? Are we willing to give ourselves time to experience the growth? 

If you believe, a month is all you need, that's fine, but Mr. Hill tells us that every successful person he interviewed belonged to a mastermind group that met on a regular basis, not only for 30 days. For me, it could not just be 30 days of growth as it took more than 30 days to just get past the thinking of lack mentality. I had many storms to wade through. Lack mentality was the most difficult thinking I had to change and I did not realize I had it to begin with! 

I'll use some examples here. I mean what's wrong with say things such as "I wish I had more money to______________." I had to change my habitual thinking, the way I said things was a big aha moment for me and it made me very aware of what I spoke. After all, what we say is what we get in return! We speak our reality into existence. I learned I was much better off saying, "I am making the money to__________" and with my creative imagination at work, I can visualize it happening! 

When we express ourselves in a manner that can bring forth the reality we want, we express the positive actions we take to influence our minds. If I say "wish", then it stays a wish, but if I say "making", then it becomes a powerful action word and please note that I am saying it in the present tense as an "I am…” statement. And yes, of course it was done through continuous self talk. That was for my personal growth. 

I belong to this mastermind group here on the mental cleanse for my exponential growth in the long haul because if I want to make more, I've got to become more! And I cannot become that person without a mastermind group to help me. 

There is one main difference I see with people here at Mentoring For Free is that when they stay on the mental cleanse and decide to be year a year from now, they are professional network marketers and leaders that persist in their journey in all areas of their lives! They have stayed on this journey year after year! 

So I ask you, are you willing to stay on this journey long enough to experience what a mastermind group can do for you, to discover exponential growth as you share with brilliant minds, and to wade through the storms in your life to pass? 

Finally, will you be here a year from now? 

Much love and appreciation,

Marsha Sortino

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Inducing Your Faith in 2014!

Making 2014 Magnificent!

As we begin the New Year of 2014, I see how time flies. It's amazing to me that I have been here on this mental cleanse almost for two and half years. I posted my first lesson on the mental cleanse forum on August 3rd 2011.

I had a lot of work to do on myself and I never realized just how much I needed to change until I started the mental cleanse journey. And I am always curious what new golden nugget will sink into my being this time around. Each lesson I write is a journey log for me, a gratitude journal.

Each lesson I read from others helps me to grow exponentially as this is a mastermind group in sharing and performance.

In the last chapter by Hill, in Chapter 8 of Decisions, I wrote Michael always tells us when we make a definite decision; we must follow through to the end.

That's persistence, the quality aka willpower we need to keep going to the end and Hill describes this character as someone having steel, a quality we need when we become disappointed or discouraged, and remembering all the while that it's up to me, my responsibility, to change my world. 

It isn't just one action or two actions we take, but it's the continuous movement and flow of energy that we take as we follow the MFF recipe.

So think about what keeps a person persistent in their pursuits?

We must have good feeling about what we are doing, a “can do” attitude that says I am doing and taking another action that's moving me closer to my desire, Yes! It's all systems go! And it's that intense burning desire inside of me that I keep visualizing. We can all have this attitude if we stay close to the fire, using our will power and putting the action it requires to reach the definite end goal!

I have this good feeling because I know Michael's mentoring and so many great mentors here have changed me for the better and I have also become a better mentor. I have a "can do" attitude because I get training here at MFF.

And what about building your business you ask?

I can say to you, for a lady that was brand new to network marketing and failed for the first 6 months because I did not have Mentoring For Free then...well now I say with confidence I am a professional network marketer. And I remember when my very first prospect to join me in my business joined. I was ecstatic and even more confident that I am learning the right way to build my business. And then before I knew it, I had a team and customers! I have everything I need right here at Mentoring For Free.

I am very happy with my regained confidence because when I get on the colors training calls and hear how some people have not had success after many, many years of trying to build their business, I feel blessed, knowing I found the golden ticket early on in my network marketing career.

This year of 2014, I made a promise to myself. I am not taking baby steps anymore. I am standing taller and walking a bit faster, taking longer strides in pursuit of my goals. I am so happy attracting and sponsoring Black Diamonds into my business easily and consistently through education and teamwork!

My hope and prayer is that your journey here with us at Mentoring For Free is nothing short of magnificent, that you enjoy your journey, and that the blessings of abundance fall upon all of us in this 2014 New Year!

Much love and appreciation,

Marsha Sortino